Shipping charges will be separate and depends upon the location/region.
Exterior & Interionr Design



Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will I know if my order is confirmed?

    You will receive a confirmation call and text for your order.

  • Can I change or cancel my order once it has been placed?

    You can cancel or change the order within 48 hours.

    After 48 hours you would not be able to edit, combine or cancel orders.

  • Are there any cancellation charges?

    If you cancel an order after 48 hours, 25% percent of the advance payment will be deducted.

  • Which countries do you ship to?

    We ship worldwide.

  • How long does it take to deliver?

    Made to order or luxury pret items take up to 15-20 days and made to order formals, couture or bridal items take up to 8-14 weeks.

  • What are the shipping charges?

    Free shipping is available for customers residing in Lahore. For out of Lahore orders; across Pakistan, shipping charges depend on the weight of the parcel. You will be notified of the charges via text or call. International orders are charged according to location and weight of the order.

  • How can I book a consultation?

    You can book a consultation on formals, couture and bridal outfits by contacting us on WhatsApp at +92 301 11 786 11